Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Business Law Short Essay - 1215 Words

MLC101 Business Law Short Essay Yu Peng YUPC1501 Word Count:1107 Introduction Treasury Legislation Amendment (Small Business and Unfair Contract Terms) Act 2015 ()will affect from 12 November 2016. it has changed some sections to the Australian consumer law. Last version of this law only applicable to the individual consumer, Act 2015 extend the scope to the small business that employs fewer than 20 persons. This thesis will discuss the following questions; ï  µWhat is an unfair term under the new law and when will it apply? ï  µWhat is the legal effect if a court decides a contract term is unfair? ï  µExplain the doctrine of freedom of contract and how the unfair contract terms provisions conflict with the doctrine. ï  µExplain the relationship between legislation and common law and which prevails. At last will conclude the essay with each point. Unfair term The government amended the consumer law to cover the small business that employs no more than 20 persons. An Act to amend legislation to extend unfair contract protections to small business contracts.From 12 November 2016, the Act 2015 will affected to the standard form small business contracts. All kinds of unfair terms will be void in standard form of contract of small business. The law now effect unfair terms in small business. The new meaning of unfair term is: ï  ¬The contract is made for a supplier of goods and services, or sale or grant the interest of land rights; ï  ¬When signing the contract , atShow MoreRelatedAn Organizational Failure966 Words   |  4 PagesAn Organizational Failure Assignment #1 HRM 562 January, 2012 Introduction In this short essay, the author will write about the failure of Blockbuster Video Company. In the essay, we will examine a number of questions surrounding this failure and will generalize these lessons for Blockbuster Video stores in the future as it is run by the Dish Network company. How the Organizations Culture Facilitated the Failure. 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