Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Sexism in the Minds of the Youth Essay - 917 Words

Since their early beginnings the video game industry has given distorted images of people both physically and psychologically. Both men and women have been heavily impacted by their ridiculous body images of both men and women. The impact that video games are having on its users starts as young as 10 when most kids start to play video games. This number has declined about 7 years( Luke Plunnet Kotaku) Although they seem meaningless and just part of the story, components of video games can actually have a lasting effect on the minds of children leaving the future generation to be one thats racist and disrespectful to women. As males are projected as the male badass heroes of the universe it causes women to be in their constant shadows or†¦show more content†¦Along with all other females in the halo series they are seen as powerful warriors leaders and brave in the face of danger, and you guessed it only when they are alongside their male counterparts. Another example of females under the iron curtain of males is seen the newest game to come to PS3: The Last of Us. Theatrical, extravagant and sexist are three words that i would use to describe this game. From the very beginning of this game its clear to see that all the women of this game will be under constant fear or cowering pitifully behind a man. The game starts off with a young teenage girl and her father Joel the main protagonist, sarah is in a constant state of fear and sadness meanwhile Joel is somehow unflinched by the fact that the world is ending. Along the games massive storyline Joel encounters his companion Ellie a strong independ ent teenage girl who is more than capable of taking care of herself, except of course around Joel. When trouble occurs Joel is always the one thats in charge and can always handle things with a cool head and a hot pistol. The idea of a cool head and a hot pistol is one that is starting to trouble many parents that are starting to observe the games that their children are playing. Take a look through the gamestop website and browse some of the games, youll immediately seeShow MoreRelatedSexism Between Men And Women892 Words   |  4 Pages In todays American society there is a hedge problem with sexism between men and women, especial socially. Women are more social discriminated against then men, you can see this in the media, in a work environment, or even as something simple as just being in a public space. Throughout history there has been this idea of what a women should be or act like. One saying that goes Sugar and spice and everything nice, that’s what little girls are made of. This giving the idea that women are supposedRead MoreThe Problem Of Gender Sexism1716 Words   |  7 Pageslot of powerless groups exist in this world, such as the group of women. 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